Friday, June 30, 2023

Dwaravii of the South/ King of the Forge

 Beings of Stone

The statuesque Dwaravii believe they were created by the Great Stone Mother.

The Dwaravii of the South are reclusive traditionalists, following of the Way of Stone, to become master craftsmen and shapers of stone. They take great pride in skill and workmanship with the major tribes being ruled by the Nine Forge Kings, those with the most skills in tradecrafts.

Since the exodus to this new continent the Dwaravii the have been split in geography and Ideology forming the distinct tribes and traditions of North and South. Historically the Dwaravii have always been Rivals to the Goubrins of the Swarm for territory because both favoring volcanic land. Now taking ownership of the Great Forge Island off the South West they have been little seen by the rest of the world.

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