Friday, June 30, 2023

Dwaravii of the South/ King of the Forge

 Beings of Stone

The statuesque Dwaravii believe they were created by the Great Stone Mother.

The Dwaravii of the South are reclusive traditionalists, following of the Way of Stone, to become master craftsmen and shapers of stone. They take great pride in skill and workmanship with the major tribes being ruled by the Nine Forge Kings, those with the most skills in tradecrafts.

Since the exodus to this new continent the Dwaravii the have been split in geography and Ideology forming the distinct tribes and traditions of North and South. Historically the Dwaravii have always been Rivals to the Goubrins of the Swarm for territory because both favoring volcanic land. Now taking ownership of the Great Forge Island off the South West they have been little seen by the rest of the world.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Yr'Arbilon the Scaled Ones (Third Power of the Empire)


Before time began, the Cosmic Dragon of the 10 eyes created the Dragons. The Dragons, colorless and without eyes, grew envious of the Cosmic Dragon, killed their creator and gained color from each taking an eye becoming Dragon Gods of Black, Red, Blue, Gold… White abstained and remained sightless, Grey ate an eye but feeling remorse vomited up the eye and repented.

Yr’Arbilon, On’Mogi, and the Xiaman are the ancient clans that became the DragonMen of the Color Scales, or the Scaled Ones.  The warrior tribes That upon coming to the new world, settled on the eastern coast and quickly came into conflict with the great Dragons and their kin.  The Dragon Wars were devastating for both sides, with each peoples finding a unique solution for the Dragon Wars. 

The On’Mogi began consuming Dragon blood which began to transform the population into something ‘Other’ but ultimately the peoples suffered from fire-blood plague.  The Xaiman made a kinship with the Great Dragon God of Grey eldest of his kind. These people became known as DragonHeirs.  

The Yr’Arbilon saw the Dragons as the most powerful of all creature and prided themselves as being greater than all, found strength in conquering the Apex creatures becoming the Apex themselves. After the Dragons in the region were hunted to extinction or migrated to the northern islands; they then sought to conquer the nation.

 The Yr’Arbilon first challenged the  On’Mogi, who even when weakened by fire-plague and diminished numbers, fought to a stalemate. Eventually the Yr’Arbilon and the On’Mogi were unified through marriages.  Then The Yr’Arbilon turned to DragonHeirs, finding their kinship with dragons an affront to nature; destroyed the DragonHeirs utterly.  The nation was united and renamed Arbilon.  

The then new nation of Arbilon sought to conquer the other neighboring nations beginning the Warring Era.  Ultimately, the nation of Arbilon was beaten by the then lesser tribe called the Athenians.

Today, the Scaled Ones of Arbilon, are the third Pillar in the Empire, along with the Aetherians, and the Rux’parthenox. 

The Scaled Ones are a tall, robust, martial people uniquely bred, and trained at birth for fighting Dragons.  Called Scaled Ones for wearing the skin and scales of dragons for fire reduction and fire proofing.  Known for the use of heavy shields called DragonNails, great swords and heavy armor.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Rubrux Parthenox (Second Power of the Empire)


Rubrux Parthenox 

Legend tells of the Ancesstrix the Rux Queen in the Great Warring era, thrived on the battlefield. She was courted by the Deamon King in a bid to bringing the lesser deamons to heel.  After decades of war, the land was unfied.  The Rux Queen and the Deamon King had 10 children; all daughters.  

The land was at peace; but the Queen lived in melancholy. The King called a Snake Seer to divine the future, and was told of his death by the Queen.  The King did not accept, and the Rux Queen was killed, dismembered, and her 9 daughters were cast down. 

Cursing their father, the Daughters took their mothers pieces and consumed them to gain added grace, gathered a great army, then went to war. 

In the Burning War the sisters trounced the lesser deamons and surrounded the Deamon Kings castle.  The Deamon King extended his reign by gaining two daughters to his side, but ultimately the King father was bound using their mothers red hair and set ablaze. 

Today, the Rux’parthenox of Wa’aquinethra are know to most as the Red Queens; the second foundation nation of the Empire.  The red haired, red eyed warrior Queens controlling the expansive land to the west of Centralia Lake and the Spine River. 

Friday, June 09, 2023

The Aetherians

The h'Umans are the most numerous of the races of Yal Lenor, and the Empire, started by the Aetherian are most powerful faction in the world.  The Aetherians, the black clad sun kissed people, started as a Death cult.  Their Military is know as the Skulls; are feared through out the nations of Yal Lenor.  The Aetherians capital city of Centralia is one of the most technologically and culturally advanced city in the world built upon old Ellowy ruins.  The Aetherian Empire at its hight controlled nearly the whole continent; currently has shrunk dramatically with many other factions growing in power.  Many within the military want to see a return to their continental dominance; however the cosmos might have much more far reaching plans.

Friday, June 02, 2023

Yal Lenor


What is a fantasy without a world: Yal Lenor the land of Exiles.  What is a land without its people.  All the  peoples are refugees from the Old World across the Black Sea to the East to escape the Messengers of the Gods.  Now on Yal Lenor (which Means Great Garden in Ellowy language) the races have spread to the current territories.

The h'Umans are the most numerous of the races, The Empire at its height covered the whole continent, now whittled down to the three great countries centered around the Great Centralia Lake.

The Dwaravii of the North are the Kings of Coin have gained great wealth by aligning with the h'Uman Empire. They reside in the Golden Mountains Isle to the North West.

The Dwaravii of the South are Traditional worshipers of the Stone. The blood fueds with their cousins to the north and their rivalry with the Goubrins  smolder but without incident. The follow their Way of Stone on the great Island to the southwest.

The Goubrins of the Swarm are divided into two great Hives.  The Greater Hive of the South have solidified their strength under the great smoky volcano in the souther swamp.  Unlike the Hive of the North, where a Hob'Goubrin male child has been born, the first since the Hob'Goubrin Kings of old.  The Old Queen is dead and now a revolution against the Matriarch is well underway, with the conclave of future queens fleeing the Hive.

Shedim Daeva , the Fallen Ones, have reemerged with strength!  The most advanced people were thought utterly destroyed for their pride of trying to reach the Heaven Realms.  Now after a thousand years, have made a pack with the New Goubrin Hive of the North and marched on the Imperial northern frontier territory on Great Flying Ships and claimed the land as their own.

The two horned Fir'Salaka (Fire Gigans) live by the code "Only the Strong Survive", inhabit the Great Island of the South.  A fierce tropical land infested with all manner of Dragonkin great and small.

The one horned Ish'Yaengo (Ice Gigans) roam the snowy north most land in nomadic tribes. Brave both the freezing temperatures and the northern ghost tribes of Vendego.

This was a brief look into the current state of Yal Lenor.