Friday, March 31, 2023

Lore of the Silver Hand

 Lore of the Silverhand mission complete. 

Top: Color Mock-up, Middle: Lore Design Sketch, Bottom: Digital Ink Study.  

More work to be done.. but we did good.  Core concepts are more solid than before, now it's time to practice a bunch, but I will do that in my own time.  For me, I learn best from doing and doing a lot. So I think I need to make a story and in the process of drawing him a lot for the story his look will shift and then solidify. Eventually...

Anyway, thanks for joining me on this winding road for the month.

Next month a special project...

Keep shining

Friday, March 24, 2023

Lore of the Silver Hand Clothing and Equipment Ideas

 Lore clothing and equipment ideas.  Lore is a wanderer, so I had to think about the logistics of that life.  The bottom is an image board for travel, my first thought was you would need a great pair of travel boots and ways to stay warm and dry. Also because he is an imperial deserter he would probably stay away from major cities and roads.  I like the mental exercise of thinking about these things, it's fun.

 A major influence are gear sets from video games; most notable are DarkSouls and Witcher gear sets. I also like the Assassin's Creed Hooded look.  All this feed the look of Lore.

Keep Shining

Friday, March 17, 2023

Lore of the Silver Hand revisions and studies

 Revisions, and the design final.

Middle is some Andrew Loomis Head studies.

Now the fun starts.  Let's get this man some cloths, and put some inks down.

Until next week... Keep Shining

Friday, March 10, 2023

Lore of the SilverHand

Top: Using John Buscema sketch as a jump off for the build up of Lore design. So, right young to left old.

Middle: Inspiration Board of John Buscema and Frank Frazetta for Conan, Witcher character look by CD Project Red, and Yoshitaka Amano's Vampire Hunter D art my main inspirations.

Bottom: Sharpie sketches to get an idea of characterization and posing.

Overall Lore is the story of the Wandering Warrior. Stories that I love.

Keep Shining

Friday, March 03, 2023

Lore of the SilverHand

 Lore of the SilverHand is the feature for the month of march.  I've used Moon Princess to study watercolor; I'm using this character to practice inking. These images above are where I am in design currently, but he needs work to get to where I want.

The story so far: In the fantasy world of Yal Lenor, Lore is a Cursed Wanderer originally from the Land of Gryphons, started as a Mercenary, then an Imperial Legionnaire; but became disillusioned and deserted.  While roaming the wilds became cursed by a Unicorn.  Now, he wanders the wilds, trying to avoid various factions while being pulled into a myriad of adventures.

This character of Lore was inspired by the solo adventurers of the past; for example Conan, Witcher, and Vampire Hunter D.

Keep Shining