Friday, August 30, 2024

HBH Project (A Tale of Two Cities) part 2

  After the Great Earthquake, Los Angeles became NeoLA divided by the great rift.  The Rift is a three mile wide chasm of an unknown depth, separating NeoLA the Glittering Heaven of Stars from the Pandemonium of the southern territories.

Today, Let’s look at the Glittering Towers of NeoLA; where whispers say the Government officials are just puppets, the Corporations hold the true Power.  These Corporate Caesars, Tsars, and Kaisers control everything from utilities, food and food processing, to even controlling a corporate military called Knights.  Most everything is in the hands of Corporate Kings. 

Amongst the Glittering Tower of Glass and Steal, crime is rare and the knights patrol the streets in relative safety, because of the Hidden Ones.  No one speaks of  them, all carry on as thought everything is normal, but every action, every word is closely monitored.  On this side of the rift everything, from the finery, pleasantries and plastic smiles, everything feels fake.  

All in all, behind the glamor and gloss hides a different kind of secrecy and savagery.

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