Friday, August 30, 2024

HBH Project (A Tale of Two Cities) part 2

  After the Great Earthquake, Los Angeles became NeoLA divided by the great rift.  The Rift is a three mile wide chasm of an unknown depth, separating NeoLA the Glittering Heaven of Stars from the Pandemonium of the southern territories.

Today, Let’s look at the Glittering Towers of NeoLA; where whispers say the Government officials are just puppets, the Corporations hold the true Power.  These Corporate Caesars, Tsars, and Kaisers control everything from utilities, food and food processing, to even controlling a corporate military called Knights.  Most everything is in the hands of Corporate Kings. 

Amongst the Glittering Tower of Glass and Steal, crime is rare and the knights patrol the streets in relative safety, because of the Hidden Ones.  No one speaks of  them, all carry on as thought everything is normal, but every action, every word is closely monitored.  On this side of the rift everything, from the finery, pleasantries and plastic smiles, everything feels fake.  

All in all, behind the glamor and gloss hides a different kind of secrecy and savagery.

Friday, August 23, 2024

HBH Project (A Tale of Two Cites)

 After the Great Earthquake, Los Angeles became NeoLA divided by the great rift.  The Rift is a three mile wide chasm of an unknown depth, separating NeoLA the Glittering Heaven of Stars from the Pandemonium of the southern territories.

Today, Let's look at the wild and rebellious, Southland, also call by the numerous Gangs as The Jungle.  The Gang leaders, calling themselves KINGs, are always prowling their territories for any opportunity to gain any upper hand over any and all rivals.

The Police, meanwhile, are fighting an endless war to stem the tide in a city that seems to be spiraling toward complete anarchy.  Heavily armed, highly aggressive, and fighting for survival. The Police, assaulted from all sides in a wild lawless land, employ headless automatons for frontline altercations.  These walking tanks are the first line of defense; walking shields against the battering waves of chaos.

Welcome to the Jungle... Hope you Survive.

Friday, August 16, 2024

HBH Project Main Cast

The Main Cast

So.. in the making of a comic it helps to know what the characters look like as the pages get more developed.  So, here we have a better renders of the main cast, well except for kerberos who needs work haha.

See ya Next week

Friday, August 09, 2024

HBH Comic Ruff Sketch (Week 2)

 Page 01 thru 04 of the comic

So, the only text for this is the  “Los Angeles 20XX” or maybe “The Rift, Los Angeles 20XX”  so I need to make sure the panels are clear in narrative.  We mostly follow “Dog” our lead through pages 01, 03 and 04. With only page 02 being about the rich and powerful on the other side of the Rift.

Some slight changes are to be made.. but this is the concept for the comic.

See ya next week.

Friday, August 02, 2024

HBH Project (Release Season)


It’s Release Season, and I have a lot of work to do. 

So, a change of Direction, first I want to get a 4Page Comic; I’m calling the HBH Project done.

Let’s start today, with the project Logo (top), color character mock up (middle), and ruff character sketches (bottom).

Note: I want to get at least the pencils done by September 6th, then we switch to something totally different…

Let’s Go!