Sunday, April 15, 2007

2nd Verse same as the 1st

Whoo Hoo, I graduate next month!! I'm so excited, but also very tired. But no time for sleep, I must get ready for what happens after college. Still, I feel good!!



chia said...

So what is your plan after graduation? You can come work for me, I'll make you the executive vice president of the North East branch. Which is basically between the couch and the beer cooler, not a bad piece of real estate.

Tal Moscovici said...

At least Chia's got a beer cooler; take it from me, when warm, urine tastes like piss.

Wow, those girls look awesome. That's unlike what I've seen you draw before Trey. What/whom inspired you to do those? The one on the left and right look the best.