Friday, December 15, 2023

Illustrator Project No.2 BBC and Friends Color

 Colors! So, this concludes the illustrator project number 2.  Whew, that was fun.  I have some clean up and tweaks but.. I'm please with how it turned out.  Yay~

So this is the last post of the year.  I think it has been a good one.  I would like to thank all of the viewers that stopped by to check out my work.  Thank You very much!

I'm going on holiday break; but I will return on Friday, January 12th.

Happy Holidays Everyone!

Take Care and  Keep Shining

Friday, December 08, 2023

Illustrator Project No. 2 BBK and Friends Lines

 Using the sketch as a template to put the lines down in Illustrator.  The bolder lines for the outlines and various line weights for inner and details.  I use the grey to overlay above the sketch layer, to check the overall forms. So far, so good. 

See ya next week!

Friday, December 01, 2023

Illustrator Project No. 2 BBK and Friends

 So, Illustrator project 2, Beautiful Beast Kiss and Friends Chibi. Hopeful I can get this done before Christmas break.  Let's Go!

Friday, November 17, 2023

Beautiful Beast Kiss Illustrator Project Color


Mission Complete!  Beautiful Beast Kiss illustrator with details and colors.

I wasn't sure I would be able to do something so complex in illustrator.  So I have learned somethings from this.  I still have more things to try, and that is always exciting.. but that will wait for later.  Hope you like this project.

For those in the States, Happy Thanksgiving! 

I'm off for the holiday, so I will see you in December.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Friday, November 03, 2023

Beautiful Beast Kiss Illustrator Tight Pencils

 BBK tight pencils and some colors, plus the original digital sketch on the bottom.  Now we're ready for the illustrator import...

Friday, October 27, 2023

Beautiful Beast Kiss Illustrator Project

As the year winds down I like to experiment, this year I want to get better at Adobe Illustrator, and the 3d program, Blender.  Most won't be seen... , but let's see if I can do this BBK image in Illustrator.  First I'm taking an older digital image and redevelop it.  

See ya and Keep Shining

Friday, October 20, 2023

Beautiful Beast Kiss watercolor sketches (part 2)

Studies in watercolor

Hm, I'm going to keep trying to get to the next level... gotta keep pushing on!

Friday, October 13, 2023

Friday, October 06, 2023

Nedians (Children from Beyond the Black Sea)


South East in the far reaches of the Black Sea, sailers and explorers speak of the enormous Floating Islands and its unusual denizens of beast men.  These tribes of strange animalistic peoples are said to be an advanced race who ride flying fish and speak to stones that talk back.  Many in the more civilized world think of these as tall tails of the sea and works of fantasy.  Pure Poppycock!

Friday, September 29, 2023

Shidem Daeva (Cursed Children)

 Shidem Daeva (Curses Children who tried to reach the Heavens)

In the Ancient past the Shidem Daeva were the Makers a unique people able to weave mana with technology to extract energy from the land, which fueled their advancements and easing their citizens lives.  Using their advanced technology the island was sculpted into a grand utopia, attracting peoples and races from all over the new world.  

At the height of the Maker’s Kingdoms hubris, they believed they could reach the Heavenly Realm of the Gods, and ascend to Godhood themselves.  So they used all of there vast resources and powers, to craft three Grand Cities.  Once the three Grand Cities fuled by manateck, were completed, filled with people, animals, and resources,  they lifted off into the skies.

However, just as they reach the heavens tragedy struck!  One city exploded with such force the  island below was decimated.  The second city  implodes in an enormous swirl of energy fusing the residents, animals and resources; a grand transmogrify of all, before falling back to the earthly realm.  The third City, was meet with the strangest fate. Phasing out of existence entirely.  What happened to this Phantom City is anyones guess; with only a shadowy visage slowly drifting across the moon, unreachable and untouchable.  Such was the death of the Makar Kingdom.  For a millennium, the smoldering ruins of a once great peoples was all that was know, until recent history…

The Shidem Daeva were born from the twisted cursed survivors of this once great kingdom.  These cursed children have a horrific appearance, no two looking the same and many being a twisted mix of things, that could only be termed: Deamons.  

Not much is know about the Shidem Daeva today, but they have entered onto the world stage by making a pact with the Northern Hive of Goubrins, and together, have taken over the northern territories from the Empire using advanced tecknology and Great flying Ships.  Becoming a new challenger to the Empire and the Northern Dwaravii in the world.  Where they go from here, is anyones guess...

Friday, September 22, 2023

Ish'Yaengo: Night Children of Ice and Snow

 Ish’ Yaengo (Ice Gigans)

Night Children of Ice and Snow

Beyond the northern sea is the Great Frozen Frontier where danger take a different form; in the ceaseless onslaught of cold. To combat the elements many creatures have grown to incredible size and have thick wooly fur.  The Ish’ Yaengo make this land home; these tall, blue, single horned beings seem to have higher resistance to the extreme cold, and can commune with water and ice.  Often using this ability to freeze water to ice very quickly, those with a stronger spirit can transform water to ice and back instantly.

Friday, September 15, 2023

Lillan Fae Children of Flowering Joy

 Lillan Fae Children of Flowering Joy

Lillan fae are the spirits/children of Ancient forests. Sightings of Lilian Fae are extremely rare so very little is know about how these ‘children’ are born, but some a theorized that a ‘child’ is born from the meeting of the ethereal energies and nature energies. Lillan Fae have a most remarkable ability to become one with mana and in doing so can use mana/magiks to manipulate the natural world to unfathomable extent.  Lillan Fae come in all shapes and sizes but most take the form of an amalgam of various flora and fauna.

Friday, September 08, 2023

Fir' Slaka Only the Strong (Fire Gigan)

 Fir’ Slaka (Fire Gigans) live by one rule “Only the Strong”, which is a testament to the enviornment of the Lost Lands. The vast southern most topical island of Yal Lenor, with a host of enormous monsters, behemoths, and dragonkin all live with one goal… Survive.

Fir’ Slaka are beings of great size and strength with different tribes identified by various horn types. Only the females have tails and have the rare ability to breath fire much like the dragon kin they hunt.

Expeditions have been made to the lost lands, but most explorers rarely survive so not much is known about this most inhospitable land.

Monday, July 31, 2023

Yal Lenor Recap Size Chart (Summer Break Start)

 Yal Lenor Races Size Chart

Going on Summer Break until Friday, September 8th.

Keep Cool Everyone

Friday, July 21, 2023

Old Blue (Ellowy Children of the Forest)

 Old Blue 

What can be said of the old children of the Forest; except that they are spoken of rarely and seen even less. But what is said is steeped in mystery and conjecture.  

Ellowy, It is said they have found attunement with the world, they speak and the world listens, and the results are awe inspiring and terrifying.

Males are never seen, staying in great cities beneath the Great Ashen White Tree of Yg; while the Female Ellowy live nomadic lives wandering the world for most of the year, only returning to the Yg in the winter months before continuing along the Path.

But why are they called Old Blue… well, that tale is written among the Stars.

Friday, July 14, 2023

Children of Shadows, Goubrins of the Swarm

 Children of Shadow, Goubrins of the Swarm

Houbgoubrins are beings of legend.  These horned, forked tailed, deamons of the Shadow Realms are thought to be the origins of the Goubrin Race.

Today, Goubrins are a numerous Matriarchal society. Female Goubrins exclusively possess The way of Purple (Purple Tongue); a hypnotic state brought about thought speech.  The Queen is the strongest “Speaker” of the Purple Tongue. Future Goubrins Queens (princesses) are tested through spoken combat.  A Queens power of persuasion is so powerful the if being commanded to stop breathing the subjects would suffocate themselves.

The Goubrin Race are the smallest and most nimble of races, eyes well adapted to darkness with a very flexible body and with training the unique ability to crawl on walls and ceilings.  Goubrins are extremely clever, uses short blades called “stingers”, experts in poison and techniques of subterfuge, with the  ability to craft and use low technology.  They are most dangerous underground, using hit and run attacks from the shadows.

Goubrins like Dwaravii both make their Capital Cities within volcanos.  Historically the Rivalry/Hatred between the Dwaravii and the Goubrins is well documented. From the Goubrin massacre of the  Dwaravii at the Gold Coast to the Dwaravii retaliation DarkSol Siege on Hollow Mountain and the Battle of Blood Lands where five hundred thousand Goubrins were slaughtered.

The Goubrins have a vast spy network throughout the continent, called Lightwalkers.  Usually comprised of heretics, outcast, and criminals, they roam the overworld collecting worldly information, to return to the shadelands for the Shadow Spark festival.

The Goubrin have cut themselves off from the rest of the world for hundreds of year, while watching the various storms roll over the world with contemptuous amusemen. However, at home within the Northern Hive, a unique male child has been born...

Friday, July 07, 2023

Dwaravii of the North - Kings of Coin


Golden Eyes

The Dwaravii of the North are the Kings of Coin.  The Northern Dwaravii operate all trade out of the Blue Mountain of the North West, also called the Golden Isle.

These nine Kings of Coin of the Greater Trades; started gathering wealth by being the linchpin in all trade throughout the continent.  Each of the Nine control a Trade Guild and each are guarded by a Golem.

These Kings of Coin are the financial backers of the Empire.  They have weaved a complicated web of trade of goods and services with major Banks in the three Great Imperial Cities, Arbilons city of Hope, Rux’parthenox new capital city of Aquinethra, and the Imperial Capital, the City of Wonders Centralia.

Friday, June 30, 2023

Dwaravii of the South/ King of the Forge

 Beings of Stone

The statuesque Dwaravii believe they were created by the Great Stone Mother.

The Dwaravii of the South are reclusive traditionalists, following of the Way of Stone, to become master craftsmen and shapers of stone. They take great pride in skill and workmanship with the major tribes being ruled by the Nine Forge Kings, those with the most skills in tradecrafts.

Since the exodus to this new continent the Dwaravii the have been split in geography and Ideology forming the distinct tribes and traditions of North and South. Historically the Dwaravii have always been Rivals to the Goubrins of the Swarm for territory because both favoring volcanic land. Now taking ownership of the Great Forge Island off the South West they have been little seen by the rest of the world.

Friday, June 23, 2023

Yr'Arbilon the Scaled Ones (Third Power of the Empire)


Before time began, the Cosmic Dragon of the 10 eyes created the Dragons. The Dragons, colorless and without eyes, grew envious of the Cosmic Dragon, killed their creator and gained color from each taking an eye becoming Dragon Gods of Black, Red, Blue, Gold… White abstained and remained sightless, Grey ate an eye but feeling remorse vomited up the eye and repented.

Yr’Arbilon, On’Mogi, and the Xiaman are the ancient clans that became the DragonMen of the Color Scales, or the Scaled Ones.  The warrior tribes That upon coming to the new world, settled on the eastern coast and quickly came into conflict with the great Dragons and their kin.  The Dragon Wars were devastating for both sides, with each peoples finding a unique solution for the Dragon Wars. 

The On’Mogi began consuming Dragon blood which began to transform the population into something ‘Other’ but ultimately the peoples suffered from fire-blood plague.  The Xaiman made a kinship with the Great Dragon God of Grey eldest of his kind. These people became known as DragonHeirs.  

The Yr’Arbilon saw the Dragons as the most powerful of all creature and prided themselves as being greater than all, found strength in conquering the Apex creatures becoming the Apex themselves. After the Dragons in the region were hunted to extinction or migrated to the northern islands; they then sought to conquer the nation.

 The Yr’Arbilon first challenged the  On’Mogi, who even when weakened by fire-plague and diminished numbers, fought to a stalemate. Eventually the Yr’Arbilon and the On’Mogi were unified through marriages.  Then The Yr’Arbilon turned to DragonHeirs, finding their kinship with dragons an affront to nature; destroyed the DragonHeirs utterly.  The nation was united and renamed Arbilon.  

The then new nation of Arbilon sought to conquer the other neighboring nations beginning the Warring Era.  Ultimately, the nation of Arbilon was beaten by the then lesser tribe called the Athenians.

Today, the Scaled Ones of Arbilon, are the third Pillar in the Empire, along with the Aetherians, and the Rux’parthenox. 

The Scaled Ones are a tall, robust, martial people uniquely bred, and trained at birth for fighting Dragons.  Called Scaled Ones for wearing the skin and scales of dragons for fire reduction and fire proofing.  Known for the use of heavy shields called DragonNails, great swords and heavy armor.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Rubrux Parthenox (Second Power of the Empire)


Rubrux Parthenox 

Legend tells of the Ancesstrix the Rux Queen in the Great Warring era, thrived on the battlefield. She was courted by the Deamon King in a bid to bringing the lesser deamons to heel.  After decades of war, the land was unfied.  The Rux Queen and the Deamon King had 10 children; all daughters.  

The land was at peace; but the Queen lived in melancholy. The King called a Snake Seer to divine the future, and was told of his death by the Queen.  The King did not accept, and the Rux Queen was killed, dismembered, and her 9 daughters were cast down. 

Cursing their father, the Daughters took their mothers pieces and consumed them to gain added grace, gathered a great army, then went to war. 

In the Burning War the sisters trounced the lesser deamons and surrounded the Deamon Kings castle.  The Deamon King extended his reign by gaining two daughters to his side, but ultimately the King father was bound using their mothers red hair and set ablaze. 

Today, the Rux’parthenox of Wa’aquinethra are know to most as the Red Queens; the second foundation nation of the Empire.  The red haired, red eyed warrior Queens controlling the expansive land to the west of Centralia Lake and the Spine River. 

Friday, June 09, 2023

The Aetherians

The h'Umans are the most numerous of the races of Yal Lenor, and the Empire, started by the Aetherian are most powerful faction in the world.  The Aetherians, the black clad sun kissed people, started as a Death cult.  Their Military is know as the Skulls; are feared through out the nations of Yal Lenor.  The Aetherians capital city of Centralia is one of the most technologically and culturally advanced city in the world built upon old Ellowy ruins.  The Aetherian Empire at its hight controlled nearly the whole continent; currently has shrunk dramatically with many other factions growing in power.  Many within the military want to see a return to their continental dominance; however the cosmos might have much more far reaching plans.