Allow Myself to reintroduce Myself.
I'm Trey Hodges; I started this blog about 4 years ago.
That seems like so long ago, but through the process of making art; I learned much and much has happend. Since my start of the Blog, I feel more positive about my art and my direction. Now, I have a better feel for where I would like to take my art and myself.
I'm starting a business, or rather I'm in the process of starting a business.
It is something that I have been thinking about since my early college days. But in my youthful mind I thought I would start one "someday". Ah yes the magical "someday".
But a few years after graduating college the idea would not leave my mind, and I thought why not start now. Why wait for the "someday" and start today. So I am. On the blog I might ramble on about the business of starting my own.
I would like to live abroad, if only for a short time. So in 2014 I'm applying for a Visa and will go to Europe. Paris to be exact. Sounds crazy doesn't it. Yeah it does to me too. But again, I thought the worst the French govenment, the US government, or whichever government; they can say is No. The reply "No" really would not be so bad. It would mean nothing in my life would change to much.
However, if they say "Yes", now that would be the butterfles in the stomach "wow" moment. Because then every thing could change. So why not give it a try and see what happens I would rather a govenment deny me than I deny myself.
On to the next Era
Years after graduation I am in transition.
My next Era, a span of about another 4 year( I'm calling the next era 8-bit)
I will tell you my intentions and the things I will try to make.
Willis Henry Savior of the Future
Untitled Project ( a 4 part project)
Willis Henry and the Moon Princess (Vol2)
Momotaro (childrens book)
Willis Henry and the Child of Darkness (Vol3)
I also want to do at least 1 large Watercolor painting a year.
2011: Year of the Rabbit, Vasilisa and Baba Yaga
2012: Year of the Dragon and Tiger
2013: Year of the Snake, HecateMoonKingPrincess (triptych)
What I want to accomplish this year
50 pages of Willis Henry
50 pages of Untitled Project
So lets begin again
My 8-bit Era